In 2016, news reached our school of the existence of a really interesting educational programme offered by the Botín Foundation. We quickly set out to try to access this great opportunity, so we sent our application, in which we had to present ourselves as a school by means of a letter and a video.
It was really exciting to discover that we had been selected along with only 14 other schools chosen from across the country (each year only a total of 15 schools are eligible for this programme).
But from the beginning, they saw us as we are: a unique centre, a meeting place for cultures, open to diversity and full of opportunities for enrichment. Here is the video that we made together and that got us selected by the members of the programme:
Now, after four years in the programme, we have graduated, but what is Responsible Education?
A programme that seeks to foster EMOTIONAL, SOCIAL and CREATIVE development in children from 3 to 16 years of age, through educational resources.
This is what each one is about:
ReflejArte. An educational resource that links the visual arts with emotional, social and creative education. It proposes work divided into three interrelated and consecutive stages articulated around a session (face-to-face or virtual) in an exhibition hall. During the course, our artists produce a joint work that is exhibited at the end of the course at the Botín Foundation’s headquarters (families are informed through our social networks so that they can enjoy what we do).
Workbench. It offers us the opportunity to work on emotional and social education in the classroom through three elements: proposals for the promotion of children’s well-being and integral development, audiovisual support and teamwork techniques. This resource helps us to promote essential skills such as empathy, self-esteem, self-control, decision making…
Readings and emotions The aim of this resource is for children to find in books a source of help for their emotional, cognitive and social growth, and to integrate them naturally into their everyday world. We are especially proud of the project carried out by our preschool pupils who year after year are excited about the idea of meeting the “Word Wizard”!
Literature, emotions and creativity. Resource linked to the previous one, but on this occasion, for Primary School pupils, including another variable: the development of creativity.
The choir of emotions. A fully artistic resource, which seeks emotional expression through music. It aims for emotional, social and creative growth in a playful way through choir singing.
Here is the link to the Botín Foundation’s website in case you want to know more about this programme that has us all so excited!